In SAP Commerce, the default level of logging for Solr queries is INFO, which logs every single request in <HYBRIS_HOME_DIR>/hybris/log/solr/instances/default/solr.log and Kibana takes it from there.
This can be a problem, because Kibana logs get cluttered with meaningless logs depending on the point-of-view of who handles them and can also affect the capacity to troubleshoot other issues.
In onprem, to change the default level of logging for Solr queries:
- Locate the file <HYBRIS_HOME_DIR>/hybris/config/solr/instances/default/log4j2.xml
- Add this line: <Logger name="org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore.Request" level="warn" additivity="false"/>
- Restart the server
- After making this change, queries are not logged in <HYBRIS_HOME_DIR>/hybris/log/solr/instances/default/solr.log and the level of SolrCore > Request is WARN
SAP Commerce Cloud
log, logs, warn, info, solr, log4j2.xml , KBA , CEC-SCC-CLA-DEP , Deployments , Problem
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