- On a 2K page size ASE server, the Error 692 may be reported after a certain size, when CREATE DATABASE with FOR LOAD option is executed on Very Large Database (VLDB) in TeraBytes.
- If the CREATE DATABASE...FOR LOAD statement does not have a "LOG ON" clause, then the database created for load may be in LOG SUSPEND mode and may hang
- If the ...FOR LOAD clause is removed, then the problem does not happen and the database will be successfully created with allocation.
Note: this behavior is not valid on SAP ASE for Business Suite where the page size is 16K.
- Adaptive Server Enterpise 16.0 SP03 PL11
- Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0 SP04 PL02
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise all versions
692, FOR LOAD, CREATE DATABASE, CR 826558, 826558, CR826558, CR#826558, VLDB , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Bug Filed
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