- You are performing a transport import when it terminates with RC 12
- There is following error in the import logs:
Log File /usr/sap/trans/log/XXXXXXXXXX.<SID>
I1 I2 ED Log Text
Main import
Transport request : XXXXXXXXXX
System : <SID>
tp path : tp
Version and release: 381.298.80 781
sap_dext called with msgnr 1:
db call info
function: db_repo
tabname: SOURCE
len (char): 42
key: IFUR_NW7_TEXTVIEW=============IU AM
retcode: 1
sql error: 133 transaction rolled back by detected deadlock: TrexColumnUpdate failed on table 'SAPABAP1:REPOSRC' with error: trans
action rolled back by detected deadlock: Deadlock detected: owner tid cycle=[(victim) 4757542954, 4757542818], rc=4616
SQL error 133 accessing : transaction rolled back by detected deadlock: Trex
Main import
End date and time : 20220510162644
Ended with return code: ===> 12 <===
(Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.)
ABAP system
SAP NetWeaver all versions
Deadlock, rollback, autorepeat, REPOLOAD, REPOSRC, parallel , KBA , BC-CTS-TLS , Transport Tools , Problem
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