You are trying to test the connectivity in your Datastore connected with Azure and you are getting similars errors like the one below:
- Test failed for the default configuration 'default' of datastore: 'abc':
ODBC call <SQLDriverConnect> to connect database <> failed with error: <ODBC call <SQLDriverConnect> for data source <> failed: <[SAP BODS][ODBC SQL Server Wire Protocol driver][SQL Server]Cannot open server "" requested by the login. The login failed.
[SAP BODS][ODBC SQL Server Wire Protocol driver]Invalid attribute in connection string: DriverUnicodeType.>. Notify Customer Support.>. Use the ODBCDriverSelector (Windows) or (UNIX) utility in LINK_DIR/bin to configure the correct version of the driver. If the problem still exists after selecting the correct version of the driver, notify Customer Support
You are also using a system user account in UPN format.
For more details about UPN, please refer to
- SAP Data Services
- SAP Cloud Integration for data services
CI-DS, CPI, Data Services, Azure, MS SQL, UPN format, test connection failed, Cloud integration , KBA , EIM-DS-CON , Connectivity , LOD-HCI-DS , HANA Cloud Integration for Data Services , EIM-DS-CPIDS , internal only - when assigning to DS Team , How To
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