This Troubleshooting Guide aims to cover topics related to Inflation Management solutions regarding Assets and G/L Accounts and provide a documentation repository for the same.
As per SAP Note 1305539, current supported countries are:
- Argentina
- Chile
- Venezuela
We also invite you to check out the SAP Note 2525257, in order to keep updated on overall Localization Latin America topics and solutions.
A - Overview and SAP Notes
B - Help Portal Content
C - Common Issues for Asset Revaluation (Inflation) - J1AI
D - Common Issues for Inflation Adjustment of G/L Accounts - FJA1
Z - Not Supported Scenarios
LAST UPDATE: 11.10.2024
CHANGE: Changed topic A
SAP ERP all versions
SAP S/4HANA all versions
inflation management, J1AI, asset revaluation, inflation adjustment, accounts, J_1AAINFL_REVERSE, J_1AA001, FJA1, J_1AINFG , KBA , FI-LOC-INF-FI , Financial Accounting , FI-LOC-INF-FI-AA , Inflation in Asset Accounting , XX-CSC-INMA-FI , Use FI-LOC-INF-FI , XX-CSC-INMA-FI-AA , Use FI-LOC-INF-FI-AA , How To
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