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3206874 - Not able to create or import HDI container due to the container already exists


After upgrade or reinstall XSA component, 

you are getting error like the container already exists in the system so you could not be able to deploy the package while importing the container.

Even though you have deleted this container manually.

And from the MAIN_LOG, you can see the below exception:

Caused by: Asynchronous job 'Creating service instance 'hdi_hana1' [service: 'hana', plan:'hdi-shared'] of [Org 'orgname', Space 'PROD'].' failed: Failed to create HDI container on database 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx' (hananode01:30015), because of: Call to HANA DI failed, requestId 123456789, because of: Could not create the container "HANA1" (8211042), because of: The container "HANA1" already exists (8211040), because of: Database error 301: : unique constraint violated: Table(CONTAINERS_) with error: unique constraint violation on pos=0 for table HA2::_SYS_DI:CONTAINERS_en, key: CONTAINER_NAME=HANA1 already exists as udiv=8 (8201003), because of: Creating the container "HANA1 "... failed (8214129)

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  • SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0
  • HDI


SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0


XS Advanced, XSA, HDI, delete-service, ds, Failed to deprovision service instance, Could not delete the container , KBA , HAN-DB-DI , SAP HANA DI (HDI): diserver, HDI plugins& client libs , Known Error

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