- When trying to execute "sp_stop_rep_agent", it fails. The Replication Agent stay up and hang.
- Same behavior can be initiated automatically by the HADR command or by the rolling upgrade
- The following error can be find in ASE errorlog:
kernel (CI-Info) Message: 76045, Severity: 5 CI Internal Error (1), x_op = 0, size = -2095228224, padding = 0, x_hand = 1145052.
kernel (CI-Info) Message: 76066, Severity: 5 Failed to serialize a package for Stream 'ISP'(pbuf = 360768:1179648, cnt = 100:6:0, cmds = 100, xdr = 34596:1145052).... a lost of the same errors 76045/76066 ...
kernel (CI-Info) Message: 76045, Severity: 5 CI Internal Error (1), x_op = 0, size = -2095228224, padding = 0, x_hand = 8222940.
kernel (CI-Info) Message: 76066, Severity: 5 Failed to serialize a package for Stream 'ISP'(pbuf = 360768:8257536, cnt = 100:6:0, cmds = 100, xdr = 34596:8222940).
kernel (CI-Info) Message: 76085, Severity: 5 Stream 'ISP' failed to encode a package(errcode = -3).
server Error: 9414, Severity: 20, State: 3
server RepAgent(4): Streaming replication distribution CI Library error -3 with severity 2 and message 'Failed to serialize a package for Stream 'ISP'(pbuf = 360768:8257536, cnt = 100:6:0, cmds = 100, xdr = 34596:8222940).'. Rep Agent detected error 211 with message 'Failure attempting to execute Put()' at line 9429 in file ra_ci_interf.c.
server RepAgent(4): Warning: The size of the stream buffer is too small (1572864 bytes). Use sp_config_rep_agent 'ISP', 'stream buffer size', '<new_value>' to increase it.server Shutting down Rep Agent for database, 'MDB' (dbid = 4).
kernel ERROR: ra_CIPutCompletionCallback_syslogs release packet failed
kernel (CI-Info) Message: 1002, Severity: 2 (MDB)STPkgUnuse: A package is corrupted - refcnt(0).
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 with Always-on Option (HADR)
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 with High Availability Disaster Recovery (HADR) for Business Suite
- SAP Replication Server (SRS) 16.0
76066,76045,9414,1002,ra_CIPutCompletionCallback_syslogs,hang, freeze, kill, Rep Agent, CR826623, CR#826623, 826623 , KBA , BC-SYB-REP-SAP , Replication with SAP Suite / SAP BW , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Known Error
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