You have created a NFS-e using SD billing process and you are trying to get approval at City Tax Authority Web Services but it is rejected due to some wrong data and you cannot correct via J1B2N. You need to either cancel the NFS-e and SD billing to generate a new one with the correct data or cancel the NFS-e billing to finish the process however, when you try to cancel the billing, the following error is generated: “You cannot perform this action. The NFS-e is not valid for cancelation - LOGBR_NF046”
SAP Document Compliance, outbound invoicing for Brazil.
NFS-e, Cancel NFS-e, LOGBR_NF046, 2850111 , KBA , LOD-LH-NFE , SAP Document and Reporting Compliance, Outbound Nota Fiscal , FI-LOC-NFE-BR-OUT , Outbound , XX-CSC-BR-NFE , Use FI-LOC-NFE-BR-OUT , How To
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