The report RSGOSCHECK (SAP Note 1873544 - Check report for GOS ) can be used to identify different errors related to the GOS menu.
These errors can be related to custom services which have been incorrectly maintained in the SGOSM transaction
or the standard services have been modified in such way that they are no longer working properly.
- SAP Netweaver
- Basis Release Independent
SAP NetWeaver Application Server all versions ; SAP NetWeaver Application Server for ABAP all versions ; SAP NetWeaver Application Server for SAP S/4HANA all versions
GOS, services for object, menu, empty, SGOSATTR, SGOSM, commit, control, custom, sgos, hidden, appear, delete, button, attachment , KBA , BC-SRV-GBT-GOS , Generic Object Services , How To
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