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3208135 - Error "No TLOGO history instance found for <object> in version A" when transporting objects


When ou transport objects between systems (InfoProviders or InfoObjects) the Transport Request fails with below message:

"No TLOGO history instance found for <object> in version A"


Usually this happens when you make a change to an InfoProvider (e.g. add a field) and value <object> refers to the changed field.


When transporting a ADSO and checked the transport logs, there are no details on why it failed (only says: Error when activating DataStore Object (advanced) <aDSO name>).

However, when checked the aDSO they are active, but the changes are not reflected.

Also, activating manually the DASO in the system, the following warnings may occurs:

History generation is switched off for InfoObjects
InfoObject <object> is not visible in reporting
- object is defined as attribute-only
Old version 1 does not exist in object version A
Unable to read version of basic char. 

 in version A" when transporting objects">


SAP NetWeaver 7.50

SAP BW/4HANA - All versions


SAP BW/4HANA all versions ; SAP NetWeaver 7.5


InfoObject, ADSO, historical version, RSTLOGOHISTORY010, TLOGO , KBA , BW4-ME , Metadata (Design time) , BW-WHM-DBA , Data Basis , Problem

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