You set up an unpaid break in the employee's time model, whose duration should be deducted automatically from recorded time if it happens within the range of the time recording.
You notice that this is correctly calculated and displayed in the Time Administration work center, but it is not reflecting in the report.
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
Let's assume that you've set up an unpaid break of 45 minutes between 12:00 and 12:30, and employee XYZ (where XYZ stands for an actual employee ID) recorded working time from 11:00 to 13:00.
- Open the Time Administration work center
- Access the Employees work center view
- Locate employee XYZ, either by using the search bar or navigating through the employee list
- Select it and click Edit
- Navigate to the Employee Times tab
- Locate and select the relevant time recording; under the Details section, you can see that the quantity of the time recording is displayed correctly as 1,25h (1:15 displayed in fraction).
- Open the Project Team work center.
- Click View Activity Reports under Common Tasks.
- In the activity report, the quantity of the recorded time shows as 2h (the entire duration of the recorded time, instead of the duration subtracted by the unpaid break).
The time file in Time Administration shows quantity of hours based on valuated time (how it "counts"), while the Activity Report displays quantity based in recorded time (how it was recorded).
For further understanding, these are the three possible ways that time can be recorded in the system and how unpaid break behaves accordingly:
- Start/End Time only: if there is an unpaid break specified in the work schedule, the break time is automatically deducted if it occurs during recorded working time or absence. Recorded absences that lie outside of the planned working time are not considered. The target hours are determined by subtracting an unpaid break (as specified in the work schedule) from the employee’s planned working time if these times overlap.
- Duration only: implies that working time valuation and calculations are based purely on the durations entered and calculation of target hours does not consider unpaid break times that might be specified in the work schedule (i.e. these are not subtracted).
- Start/End Time with duration: the duration takes precedence over any values in the Start/End Times fields. In other words, the system always determines what to display in the Quantity field based on the Duration field if it is filled, which means that entered start and end times—which, if entered, are for information or documentation purposes only—and are not considered. Hence, unpaid breaks are not deducted in this case as well.
To have a report that shows valuated time (and thus the deduction of the unpaid break), you can create a report as follows:
- Open the Business Analytics work center.
- Access the Design Data Sources work center view.
- Click the New button, then select Report.
- Choose HCMTLMB07 as the data source, enter the mandatory information and click Next.
- Select System Valuated Time and Employee Recorded Times as key figures and click Next.
- Ensure that all characteristics are selected, including Key Date and Employee, then click Next.
- Set value selection for both Key Date and Employee as "Using Variable," then click Next.
- Click Finish.
- Once the report is saved successfully, click the link to Assign Report.
- Assign report to work center Time Administration and view Employees, then click Save.
NOTE: unlike the Activity Report, which is employee-specific, this report would show data for all employees. For an employee-specific solution, please consider discussing with your implementation partner for a report using custom coding. A suggestion would be to use the Duration, Time, Item, Category Code and Quantity fields from the Period Item node of the TIMX_CALENDAR business object.
Unpaid Break, Deduction, Time File, Activity Report, valuated time, recorded time, System Valuated Time, Employee Recorded Time, HCMTLMB07, duration, quantity , KBA , SRD-HR-TLM , Time and Labour Management , Problem