SAP does not start.
When checking the Dispatcher trace file (dev_disp), it is verified that a work process requested the shutdown.
For example:
[date and time]
*** DpRqNoWpHandle: SHUTDOWN request from Wxx received (reason=DP_SHUTDOWN_INIT_FAILED) ***
********** SERVER SNAPSHOT 1 (Reason: Hard Shutdown / Time: [date and time]) - begin **********
*** DpRqNoWpHandle: SHUTDOWN request from Wxx received (reason=DP_SHUTDOWN_UNKNOWN_REASON) ***
When looking at the corresponding work process trace file (dev_wXX), the following error is seen:
M [date and time]
M rdisp/daemon/periodic_check: -1
M *** ERROR => ThrInitServInfo: MtxOpen failed (7) [thxxrun1.c 308]
M *** ERROR => ThrExclusiveInitRunTime: ThrInitServInfo failed (-1) [thxxrun1.c 236]
M *** WARNING => ThExclusiveStartUp: ThrExclusiveInitRunTime failed (-1) [thxxext.c 729]
M *** WARNING => ThShMInit: ThExclusiveStartUp failed (WARNING-CORE-INIT_RUNTIME_FAILED) [thxxhead.c 1910]
M *** WARNING => ThIPCInit: ThShMInit failed (WARNING-CORE-INIT_RUNTIME_FAILED), shutdown server [thxxhead.c 1666]
M ********** SERVER SNAPSHOT 1 (Reason: Hard Shutdown / Time: [date and time] ) - begin **********
- SAP NetWeaver ABAP based system
- ABAP Platform based system
KBA , BC-CST-STS , Startup Service , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , BC-CST , Client/Server Technology , Problem
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