There is no information displayed when calling a report from transaction PP61 in Webgui, only an empty table or empty cells are displayed.
The report opens up as expected in SAP GUI for Windows, filled with data.
- SAP GUI for HTML (Webgui)
- S/4HANA 1610 and higher with SAP Kernel 753 and higher as per SAP Note 2658822
SAP GUI for HTML, WEBGUI, Webgui, WEB GUI, web gui, ITS, its, transaction PP61, PP61, Change Shift Planning, report, empty cells, empty table, empty document, substitution planning, access, error, data missing, Personaleinsatzplanung ändern, leer Tabelle , KBA , BC-FES-WGU , SAP GUI for HTML , BC-FES-ITS , SAP Internet Transaction Server , Problem
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