SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

3210654 - Build replication task failed with error "invalid column name"


"Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental."

  • There is additional columns added for source table structure, manually update the replication task to add columns and build replication task failed with error
  • Error : "3:23:16 AM (DIBuild) Error: Could not activate replication task: Database error 2048: : column store error: task framework: [140005] Error validating the generated task plan scenario.;
    Error deriving required privileges and dependencies: Error in sql expression(s) : invalid column name: Column: statement offset 7. [8257007]
    at "src/testcolumnchange.hdbreptask" (0:0)
    Error: Deploying "src/testcolumnchange.hdbreptask"... failed [8212145]
    at "src/testcolumnchange.hdbreptask" (0:0)
    Warning: Worker 1 running the "" plugin has encountered an error while deploying 1 objects [8212030]"
  • Error from indexserver trace file
    [4331]\{348310\}[-1/-1] 2022-06-04 03:23:15.629614 e SessionRemoteReq : failed to handle request: exception  1: no.71002048  (EAPI/SQLException.hpp:98) TID: 4331
        column store error: task framework: [140005] Error validating the generated task plan scenario.;Error deriving required privileges and dependencies: Error in sql expression(s) : invalid column name: Column: statement offset 7.
    NO exception throw location recorded. Stack generation suppressed.
    exception type information:
     - 0: public ptime::RemoteEAPIRequestHandlerSQLException@0x00007efc44639148 SI
       - 0: public EAPI::SQLException@0x00007efc264af5d0 SI
         - 0: public ltt_adp::exception@0x00007efc264af388 SI
           - 0: public ltt::exception@0x00007efc1bba0428



SAP HANA Smart Data Integration


SAP HANA smart data integration 2.0


SDI, web ide, replication task, build, deploy, column, add, manually , KBA , HAN-DP-SDI , SAP HANA smart data integration (SDI) , Problem

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