SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3211559 - Payment Method Not Updated While Using ManageEmployeeIn WebService


You are using the ManageEmployeeIn service interface to update Payment Method of employees. Although the request is successful, no changes are done to the employee in the UI.


SAP Business ByDesign


There are might be two causes for this scenario:

  1. The bank details and payment information was not updated because two identification nodes were passed and in the second identification node, the employee identification was initial or empty.
  2. There is no Identity XML elements in your payload which actually allows the webservice to identify the employee that is to be updated


For cause 1:

The second Identification node corresponds to employee for whom data has to updated. It is always passed with action code '06' for employee ID.

Please find below an example of correct payload:


<EmployeeData actionCode="04" identificationListCompleteTransmissionIndicator="true">





<Identification actionCode="06">













<BankDetails actionCode="04">













For Cause 2:

You need to change the Action Code to allow an update of the Bank Details and include the Identification tags to achieve the requirement

Below is a sample for identity XML tag in the request payload:


ManageEmployeeIn, Payment Method, bank details, identification nodes, Web Service. , KBA , payment method , manageemployeein , bank details , identification nodes , SRD-HR-PAD , Personnel Administration , Problem


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