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3211936 - HANA lifecycle management transport changelist as predecessor which from different sub packages


You are trying to transport the change request from source system to target system. 

You find the changelist ID 2 which is associated with repository package DEMO.AAA has a predecessor changelist ID 1 which is under repository package DEMO.BBB

You want to know why these are acting as predecessors as they are from different packages under root package DEMO.



  • SAP HANA Database 1.0.
  • SAP HANA Database 2.0.


SAP HANA 1.0, platform edition ; SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0


changes, Transport and Close, HALM, CTS+, CTS, DU, delivery unit  , KBA , HAN-LM-APP , SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management , HAN-AS-RPO , SAP HANA Repository , How To

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