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3212333 - IBP: Supply job failing with error when updating the key figure or Planning Object


You are running supply jobs and at the execution failed with error when updating some key figure or planning objects, for example:


Error updating key figure values for planning area XXXX version XXXXXX PL XXXXX.


The error starts to happen in /IBP/CL_KEYFIGURE_DATA -> EXECUTE_KF_CU. And a unique constraint exception raised in the log.


Error while updating planning objects for planning area XXXX version XXXXX.

Happening on "/IBP/CL_PLANOBJECT_DATA=>UPDATE_TECHNICAL_PLOBJ_ATTRS" and Deadlock detected raised in the log



•SAP Supply Chain Management (SCM)
•SAP Integrated Business Planning (SCM-IBP)


SAP Integrated Business Planning for Supply Chain all versions


unique constraint violation for table, unique constraint violated, central API, /IBP/FND, DATASRV, /IBP/CL_KEYFIGURE_DATA, AMDP_GENERIC_SQL_10000 , KBA , SCM-IBP-SUP , Supply , SCM-IBP-SUP-ALG , Algorithms , SCM-IBP-DS-KF , Data Services for Key Figure Data , Problem

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