You are running supply jobs and at the execution failed with error when updating some key figure or planning objects, for example:
Error updating key figure values for planning area XXXX version XXXXXX PL XXXXX.
The error starts to happen in /IBP/CL_KEYFIGURE_DATA -> EXECUTE_KF_CU. And a unique constraint exception raised in the log.
Error while updating planning objects for planning area XXXX version XXXXX.
Happening on "/IBP/CL_PLANOBJECT_DATA=>UPDATE_TECHNICAL_PLOBJ_ATTRS" and Deadlock detected raised in the log
•SAP Supply Chain Management (SCM)
•SAP Integrated Business Planning (SCM-IBP)
unique constraint violation for table, unique constraint violated, central API, /IBP/FND, DATASRV, /IBP/CL_KEYFIGURE_DATA, AMDP_GENERIC_SQL_10000 , KBA , SCM-IBP-SUP , Supply , SCM-IBP-SUP-ALG , Algorithms , SCM-IBP-DS-KF , Data Services for Key Figure Data , Problem
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