- Add a virtual table as source in flowgraph, columns couldn't be loaded for the virtual table
- Select through the virtual table without error, data can be retrieved
- The problem happen to all the virtual tables
- Create HANA calculation view with the same symptom by using the virtual tables
- Open dev tools console (F12) and click on network tab, reproduce the same symptom and go back to the dev tools console and right click on the top item from the list on the left - select Save all as HAR with content, showed the following information
"response": {
"status": 504,
"statusText": "Gateway Timeout",
"httpVersion": "HTTP/1.1",
"headers": ["
Web IDE detail version: SAP Web IDE for HANA 2 SPS 06 Patch 1 ( Build 4.6.4)
HRTT version 2.14.220902
SAP HANA smart data integration 2.0
SDI, WEBIDE, column, load, no columns, virtual table , KBA , HAN-WDE-EIM , Flowgraph, RepTasks and other SDA Tools , Problem
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