Upgrade from IQ 16.0 SP11 PL22 to IQ 16.1 simplex on SPARC Solaris.
Tests were run with both IQ 16.1 SP04 PL12 and IQ 16.1 SP05 PL02. But in upgrade tests, encountered slow performance issue.
IQ 16.1 SP04.X or SP05.x takes much longer connection time.
Live production system is IQ 16.0 SP11 PL22 Sparc. A backup of the production is taken and the DB is restored on a test box.
For tests comparison:
- IQ is started with IQ 16.0 SP11 PL22, tests are run for 24 hours and data are collected for comparison.
- Then IQ is shut down. The DB is restored again so that the DB contains again the original data.
- Upgrade to IQ 16.1, start IQ up and run through 24 hours the same tests again.
Therefore the 16.0 vs 16.1 is done on the same box , same H/W and same resources., same data and same workload.
Since this issue has occurred, lots of analysis like below have been done and investigations still go on.
- Reduced number of sp_iqdbspace procs executions. No improvement.
- Removed the statistics_user reply which runs the monitoring scripts , including sp_iqdbspace. No improvement.
- The DumpAllThreads during the problem show many threads (over 100) trying to COMMIT. Comparrison count of number of commits seen in 16.0 vs 16.1 shows this is about the same.
- Same tests done with "CORE_Options156=ON", But no difference or improvement.
- SAP IQ16.1 SP05.x & SP04.x
- On SPARC Solaris
slow connection, SPARC, contention, , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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