The message "Operating system call connect failed" is displayed in SM21 and type is IC.
In dev_icm trace, we can confirm the target host and port.
[Thr 10224] Thu Jun x xx:xx:xx:xxx 2022
[Thr 10224] ***LOG Q0I=> NiBufIConnect: connection pending after 5000ms: connect (10035: WSAEWOULDBLOCK: Resource temporarily unavailable) [D:/depot/bas/753_REL/src/base/ni/nibuf.cpp 4568]
[Thr 10224] *** ERROR => NiBufIConnect: non-buffered connect pending after 5000ms (hdl 133;[target hostname]:http) [nibuf.cpp 4579]
[Thr 10224] *** WARNING => Connect to [target hostname]:[port number] failed: NIECONN_REFUSED(-10) \{00090218\} {root-id=8602834ACE331EECB8CFD238B34CFB20} [icxxconn.c 2717]
[Thr 10224] BATCH Txx_Uxxxx_Mx, 000, DDIC, , time=xx:xx:xx, Wxx, program=xxxxxx, low priority, memory=0, tasks=1, appl info=, tcode=
[Thr 10224] role: Client, protocol: HTTP
The target server is usually a server which is no longer being used.
But it's not clear where the server has been configured and triggered the "Operating system call connect failed" error in SM21.
SAP System release independent.
"Operating system call connect failed", SM21, IC, ICM, dev_icm, "connection pending after 5000ms", connection pending after 5000ms: connect, Resource temporarily unavailable, connect pending after 5000ms, failed: NIECONN_REFUSED, OAC0, Content Repository, SM59, RFC destination, type G, type H, port 1090, port 8080, SAPMSSY8, Q0I , KBA , BC-CST-IC , Internet Communication Manager , BC-CST , Client/Server Technology , BC-SRV-KPR , Knowledge Provider , BC-CCM-MON , CCMS Monitoring & Alerting , Problem
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