LDAPS connection is successful when you test the connection in the ICM Plugin configuration, but when trying to do LDAP searches on the "Find" feature, errors occur.
Error message: SLDAP_ICM000
Exception from ABAP push channel to the ICM LDAP plug-in: "WebSocket connection set up has failed with error text: SSL error (ICM_HTTP_SSL_ERROR): SSL handshake with DomainDnsZones...:389 failed: SSSLRC_CONN_CLOSED (-10)
Remote Peer has closed the n..."
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SAP Netweaver Application Server for ABAP
DomainDnsZones, 389, 636, DomainDnsZones...:389 failed: SSSLRC_CONN_CLOSED (-10), SSSLRC_CONN_CLOSED , KBA , BC-SEC-DIR , Directory , Problem
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