You are working with quality inspection documents in a decentralized solution. When trying to post the usage decision for an inspection lot on ECC side, for IOT4 or IOT5, you get the below error message:
"Unable to create the element; check configuration" - /SCWM/QUI_WRKST 067
- SAP Extended Warehouse Management (SCM-EWM)
- SAP Extended Warehouse Management Quality Management (SCM-EWM-QM)
- SAP Quality Inspection Engine (CA-QIE)
- SAP Quality Inspection (QM-IM)
SAP Extended Warehouse Management all versions ; SAP S/4HANA all versions
Inspection Object Type, Accepted, Rejected, follow-up, action, goods receipt, settings. , KBA , SCM-EWM-QM , Quality Management , QM-IM , Quality Inspection , CA-QIE , Quality Inspection Engine , Problem
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