You have assigned a printer queue A for outgoing checks (cheques), but checks are going into printer queue B and your output configuration seems to be ignored (A & B represent the relevant printer queues).
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
Release a check (cheque) for printing and instead of the assigned printer queue A you see the check (cheque) in printer queue B.
For check (cheque) printing it is important as they are numbered to have the right print on the right check (cheque).
To prevent mistakes by accident or changing output settings there is a place you can "hardcode" the output printer queue.
Navigate to the
- Go to the Liquidity Management work centre -> View: My Banks
- Go to the facet Bank Accounts, facet check lots
- Under Details: Check Lot you see a field named output device.
Remove the maintained device from the output device and the standard application output logic will take place again.
Check Printing, Check lot, Check Printer Queue, cheque, cheques, , KBA , AP-RC-OUT , Output Management , How To