Setting up automatic database expansion for database, sp_dbextend 'simulate' is not calculating the expansion size correctly:
1 sp_dbextend 'simulate', <dbname>, 'default', '1'
2 go
NO REAL WORK WILL BE DONE. Simulate database / device expansion in a dry-run mode 5 time(s).
These are the series of database/device expansions that would have happened if the threshold on database '<dbname>', segment 'default' were to fire 5 time(s).
Threshold fires: Iteration: 1
devicename initial size final size
------------ -------------- ------------
dev_name 93968.0M 93968.0M
Database 'dbname', segment 'default' would be altered from an initial size of '93968M' by '0M' for a resultant total size of '93968M'.
To actually expand the database manually for this threshold, issue: sp_dbextend 'execute', 'dbname', 'default', 1'
ASE errorlog:
background task message: Threshold action procedure 'sp_dbxt_extend_db' fired in db 'dbname' on segment 'default'. Space left: 131072 logical pages ('2048M').
background task message: Database 'dbname' was altered by total size '0M' for segment 'default'.
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise ASE - 16.0
sp_dbextend, simulate, expansion , KBA , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Problem
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