SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

3215263 - Create route or dbltm fails " cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" - SRS


  • Run setuphadr to setup HADR, the task got stuck at Create Route with error in setuphadr log:
    Configuring local replication server...........Fail
    TASKNAME             TYPE                          VALUE                                                                                                                                            -------------------- ----------------------------- ------------------
    Status               Start Time                    xxx                                               
    Status               Elapsed Time                  00:23:33                                                                   
    SetupReplicationTaskTask Name                     Setup replication                                                             
    SetupReplicationTaskTask State                    Error                                                                             
    SetupReplicationTaskShort Description             Setup replication between two SAP ASE servers.
    SetupReplicationTaskLong Description              Configuring local replication server.                                         
    SetupReplicationTaskCurrent Task Number           3                                                                               
    SetupReplicationTaskTotal Number of Tasks         8                                                                             
    SetupReplicationTaskTask Start                    Mon Jun 13 15:30:59 HKT 20xx       
    SetupReplicationTaskTask End                      Mon Jun 13 15:54:32 HKT 20xx     
    SetupReplicationTaskHostname                     xxx

    SetupRoutes          Task Name                     Setup Routes                                                             
    SetupRoutes          Task State                    Error                                                                       
    SetupRoutes          Short Description             Setup routes between the primary to standby Replication Servers     SetupRoutes          Hostname   
    CreateRoute          Task Name                     Create Route                                                                 
    CreateRoute          Task State                    Error                                                                   
    CreateRoute          Short Description             Create the route between two Replication Servers.                       
    CreateRoute          Long Description              Waiting 20 seconds: Continuing to wait for the route from Replication Server 'xxx' to Replication Server 'xxx' to become active.         
    CreateRoute          Failing Command               rs_helproute xxx
    CreateRoute          Failing Command Error MessageThe route from Replication Server 'xxx' to Replication Server 'xxx' did not become active and the setup process has timed out.   
    CreateRoute          Corrective Action             The route from Replication Server 'xxx' to Replication Server 'xxx' must be active before the setup process can proceed. Use the rs_helproute command to determine the state of the route. Once the route is active, restart the setup process.
    CreateRoute          Hostname                      xxx   20xx-06-13 15:54:32 [ERROR] [Setup replication:325][RMA] - [CreateRoute              ] - Task Create Route - Failed performing command - rs_helproute xxx
    20xx-06-13 15:54:32 [INFO ] [Setup replication:325][RMA] - [CreateRoute              ] - Task Create Route - Provided corrective suggestion - The Route from Replication Server 'xxx' to Replication Server 'xxx' must be active before the setup process can proceed. Use the rs_helproute command to determine the state of the route. Once the route is active, restart the setup process.
    20xx-06-13 15:54:32 [INFO ] [Setup replication:325][RMA] - [CreateRoute              ] - Task Create Route - State - Error

  • Replication Server keeps trying to start dbltm, but it got error below in the repserver errorlog.  Executing command:
    $SYBASE/DM/REP-16_0/ASA17/bin/dbltm -ud -S xxx_RSSD_ra -C $SYBASE/DM/xxx//xxx_RSSD_ra.cfg -ot $SYBASE/DM/xxx//xxx_RSSD_ra.out -I $SYBASE/DM/interfaces

    "error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"



  • SAP Replication Server 15.7
  • SAP Replication Server 16.0


SAP Replication Server all versions


KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Problem

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