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3215598 - Backup Server: dd_read: read </path/to/devicename>: Number bytes transferred <= 0 - SAP ASE


  • After a scheduled maintenance on the ASE host, one of the user databases failed to recover due to missing device on the OS:

Error: 840, Severity: 17, State: 2
Device 'devname' (with physical name '/path/to/log/device/devicename.dat', and virtual device number #) has not been correctly activated at startup time.  Please contact a user with System Administrator (SA) role.  
Unable to proceed with the recovery of dbid <#> because of previous errors.                                                                                             Continuing recovery with the next database.

  • DBA used touch command to recreate an empty missing device and restarted the database successfully, however, a dump database ends with the following error:

Backup Server: dd_read: read </path/to/log/device/devicename.dat>: Number bytes transferred <= 0.                                       Backup Server: Connection from Server <ASESERVERNAME> Host <hostname> with HostProcid #######.                                 Open Server Session Fatal Error: 16315.15.0: srv__internal_read_packet: Protocol error occurred: length in header (30519) more than packet size(512)



SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0


lost device, log device missing, 840, dd_read, error 840, backup server, Unable to proceed with the recovery of dbid , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Problem

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