During Software Update Manager (SUM) upgrade or update of system, following error message found in logfile 'PREIMP.ELG'
R3trans preimport and RETURN CODE in R710VPE.<SID>
2EETW000 I have some problems during TADIR access.
4 ETW000 Connected to DBMS = MSSQL --- SERVER = 'HOSTNAME' DBNAME = '' --- SYSTEM = '???'.
3WETW000 The HEAD entry in TADIR is missing.
1AETW000 ERROR: first character of SAP-Release is not a digit, but '
2EETW000 Please contact the SAP support.
• SAP Systems based on SAP NetWeaver
• Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and higher
HEAD entry, TADIR,SVERS,DBPROPERTIES, first character of SAP-Release is not a digit, but ', The HEAD entry in TADIR is missing , KBA , BC-DB-MSS , SQL Server in SAP NetWeaver Products , Problem
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