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3215744 - SAP IQ enabled PITR aborts whenever an IQ full backup is executed


SAP IQ which is enabled PITR aborts whenever an IQ full backup is executed.

(DBA)> backup database full to '/BACKUP_DIR/iq_full.bk'
Snapshot created.
Error! The connection to the database was closed by the server.
Communication error
SQLCODE=-85, ODBC 3 State="08S01"

Line 1, column 1
backup database full to '/BACKUP_DIR/iq_full.bk'


I. 06/21 22:39:11. 0000000046 Txn 24962 0 24962
I. 06/21 22:39:11. 0000000046 ValidateBackup
I. 06/21 22:39:11. 0000000046 ValidateBackup
I. 06/21 22:39:11. 0000000046 [SYSIQFILE row]
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 [end SYSIQFILE row]
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 I. 06/21 22:39:12. Exception Thrown from oslib/hos_ion.cxx:182, Err# 4, tid 2 origtid 2
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 O/S Err#: 2, ErrID: 522 (hos_ioexception); SQLCode: -1006133, SQLState: 'QBB33', Severity: 14
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 [20371]: File does not exist. File: /PITR_DIR/iq.pitr_000_000002_0001_20220621_133911956119.iqlog
-- (oslib/hos_ion.cxx 182)
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 PostChk
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 Rbck
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 I. 06/21 22:39:12. Exception Thrown from slib/s_pitrUtils.cxx:89, Err# 1, tid 2 origtid 2
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 527 (hos_dateexception); SQLCode: -1006167, SQLState: 'QBB67', Severity: 14
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 [20405]: DateTime is invalid (59958230400000000)
-- (slib/s_pitrUtils.cxx 89)
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 **************************************************
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 *** SAP IQ Abort:
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 *** From: stcxtlib/st_SAIQInterfacen.cxx:252
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 *** PID: 5879
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 *** Message: An exception was thrown during a commit/rollback/checkpoint
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 *** Thread: 139912346498816 (TID: 2)
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 **************************************************
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 139912346498816 Stacktrace requested from stcxtlib/st_SAIQInterfacen.cxx:252 on thread 139912346498816 (TID 2) start stacktrace
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 ** Error from IQ connection: SA connHandle: 1 SA connID: 23 IQ connID: 0000000046 User: DBA
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 ** Time of error: 2022-06-21 22:39:12
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 ** IQ Version: SAP IQ/16.1.050/11135/P/SP05.02
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 ** OS info: IQ built on: Linux/Linux64 - x86_64 - 3.10.0-327, Executed on: Linux/hostname001/4.8.6-300.fc25.x86_64/#1 SMP Tue Nov 1 12:36:38 UTC 2016/x86_64
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 ** Command status when error occurred: NO COMMAND OR CURSOR ACTIVE
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 ** Parser command text:
backup database full to '/BACKUP_DIR/iq_full.bk'
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 ** Dump all thread stacks at stcxtlib/st_SAIQInterfacen.cxx:252 for PID: 5879
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046
***************** This is the STACKTRACE ***************
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046
===== Thread Number 139912346498816 (IQ connID: 0000000046) =====
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 pc: 0x400e81 <unknown>
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 pc: 0x7f3fc06980e4 pcstkwalk(stk_trace*, int, db_log*, hos_fd*)+34
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 pc: 0x7f3fc0698881 ucstkgentrace(int, int)+191
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 pc: 0x7f3fc06991ee DumpAllThreads(char const*, unsigned int, int)+32e
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 pc: 0x7f3fc03fc8af hos_ABORT(char const*, unsigned int, char const*, char*, char*, sigcontext*, int, int)+74f
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 pc: 0x7f3fc13ac06b st_SAIQInterface::RunIQFunc(st_SAIQInterfaceInfo*)+8db
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 pc: 0x7f3fc134350b st_SAIQInterface::Execute(int, void*, unsigned int (*)+36b
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 pc: 0x7f3fc06c4787 saint_iqthresholdtxn::RollbackTxn(IConnection*)+c7
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 pc: 0x7f4033b5980a DB_Rollback_Chgs(Connection*)+22a
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 pc: 0x7f4033566b9f Connection::rollback_work_internal(unsigned int)+af
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 pc: 0x7f4033566c87 Connection::rollback_work(unsigned int)+57
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 pc: 0x7f40335677ca _ri_auto_commit()+10a
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 pc: 0x7f403365834f ArchiveBackup(backupCommand*)+ddf
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 pc: 0x7f403365a4ed dbi_backup_database(Connection*, a_statement*)+a2d
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 pc: 0x7f40336b15e9 DoExecuteBodyLocal(Connection*, a_stmt*, a_statement*, a_stmt_identifier*, bool, unsigned int, unsigned short)+18e9
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 pc: 0x7f40336b2635 DoExecuteStmt(Connection*, a_stmt*, a_statement*, a_stmt_identifier*, unsigned short, unsigned int, unsigned int)+c75
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 pc: 0x7f40336b3c4a db__execute(Connection*, an_sqlpres_receive*)+11a
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 pc: 0x7f40336ca086 RequestProcedure::call()+f06
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 pc: 0x7f40334700f1 Worker::spawn(Procedure*)+31
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 pc: 0x7f40336cdef6 EngStream::handle_ind(unsigned char, unsigned int)+156
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 pc: 0x7f40336cfa4f EngStream::execute()+81f
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 pc: 0x7f40336cfbcd RQConnItem::do_request()+d
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 pc: 0x7f40336c797e RQBaseItem::do_work(Worker*)+1e
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 pc: 0x7f403370b8d7 RequestQueue::worker_body()+77
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 pc: 0x7f40336c8d39 request_task(void*)+89
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 pc: 0x7f4033b4a07e run_task_body+1e
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 pc: 0x7f403370d521 UnixTask::pre_body(void*)+71
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 pc: 0x7f403287a6ca <unknown>
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000046 pc: 0x7f4031d1ff6f <unknown>
I. 06/21 22:39:12. 0000000000



SAP IQ 16.1


SAP IQ 16.1


"File does not exist", "DateTime is invalid", s_pitrUtils , , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , BW-SYS-DB-IQ , BW on HANA with Sybase IQ Near-line Storage , Problem

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