SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3215873 - System triggers error message "Description for language missing" when trying to Migrate Location and Logistics area


You are trying to perform migration of Location and Logistics Area, In Simulation Step 3 there is an error message shown*HK refers to Language code, KLM refers to Logistics Area id

Description for language HK missing


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Business Configuration Work Center
  2. Select Overview View
  3. Search and Open the migration activities Migration of Location and Logistics Area
  4. Execute Migration for the respective Migration File
  5. In Simulation Step 3, error message is thrown 


In migration template sheet LOA-Description for Logistics Area id KLM Logistics Area Description is missing.


Kindly maintain Logistics Area Description for Logistics Area id KLM in migration template sheet LOA-Description.


Description for language  missing, System triggers error message "Description for language  missing" Error Description for language  missing , KBA , description for language missing , error description for language missing , AP-LDM-LOC , Location , Problem


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