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3216255 - SYB: ASE upgrade failed with error 'ERROR: PATCH.SAR BALDR script execution failed' - SAP ASE


Upgrade ASE on Business Suite using SAP Host Agent, it failed with error below,

Error: Command execution failed. : PATCH.SAR BALDR script execution failed: Client message: LAYER = 1 ORIGIN = 2 SEVERITY = 2 NUMBER = 63 --- Message string: ct_results(): user api layer: internal Client Library error: Read from the server has timed out.. (fault code: 127)
Operation ID: 12DA34D01B5B1EECBC87B044C72CDA8F

----- Response data ----
ERROR: PATCH.SAR BALDR script execution failed: Client message: LAYER = 1 ORIGIN = 2 SEVERITY = 2 NUMBER = 63 --- Message string: ct_results(): user api layer: internal Client Library error: Read from the server has timed out..
----- Log messages ----
Info: saphostcontrol: Executing LiveDatabaseUpdate
Error: sapdbctrl: PATCH.SAR BALDR script execution failed: Client message: LAYER = 1 ORIGIN = 2 SEVERITY = 2 NUMBER = 63 --- Message string: ct_results(): user api layer: internal Client Library error: Read from the server has timed out..
Error: saphostcontrol: LiveDatabaseUpdate failed (sapdbctrl exit code = 1)



  • SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 for Business Suite
  • Linux


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise all versions


BALDR, SAP Host Agent, timed out, LAYER = 1 ORIGIN = 2 SEVERITY = 2 NUMBER = 63, upgrade , KBA , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Problem

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