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3216679 - A database dump fails with write and SYBMULTBUF ERROR: Emulator errors - SAP ASE


  • A dump command using 'with compression' fails
  • Example command:

    dump database db_name to 'D:\Backups\dump_file.dmp' with compression= '101'  -- Windows
    dump database db_name to '\syb\backups\dump_file.dmp' with compression= '101'  -- Linux \ Unix
  • The following errors are Backup Server error log
    • Windows

      Backup Server: [2] The 'WriteFile' call failed for database/archive device while working on stripe device 'D:\Backups\dump_file.dmp' with error
      number 1450 (Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service). Refer to your operating system documentation for further details.

      SYBMULTBUF ERROR: Emulator interprocess communication failed with error state = 16, error code=232, system message=The pipe is being closed.
      SYBMULTBUF ERROR: Emulator interprocess communication failed with error state = 9, error code=109, system message=The pipe has been ended.

    • Linux / Unix

      Backup Server: [1] The 'write' call failed for database/archive device while working on stripe device '\syb\backups\dump_file.dmp' with
      error number 5 (Input/output error). Refer to your operating system documentation for further details.

      Backup Server: Label validation error: seek to trailer labels failed.

      SYBMULTBUF ERROR: Emulator interprocess communication failed with error state = 16, error code=32, system message=Broken pipe.
      SYBMULTBUF ERROR: Emulator interprocess communication failed with error state = 16, error code=32, system message=Broken pipe.



  • SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0


memory, dump, database , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Problem

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