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3216684 - Complex query fatally crashes server with error "Query rejected because plan exceeds stack space" - SAP IQ


Complex query fatally crashes server with error.
In case of plan exceeding stack trace, IQ server should have rollbacked query rather than fatally crashing.
I. 05/20 09:50:19. 0000044215 [20536]: Query rejected because plan exceeds stack space -- (dflib/dfp.cxx 1925)
I. 05/20 09:50:19. 0000044215 
I. 05/20 09:50:19. 0000044215 
I. 05/20 09:50:19. 0000044215 **************************************************
I. 05/20 09:50:19. 0000044215 ***   SAP IQ Abort:
I. 05/20 09:50:19. 0000044215 ***      From:  oslib/hos_lwtask.cxx:637
I. 05/20 09:50:19. 0000044215 ***      PID: 3736478
I. 05/20 09:50:19. 0000044215 ***      Message: Thread stack ran past its allocated stack space
I. 05/20 09:50:19. 0000044215 ***      Thread: 75560  (TID: 13)
I. 05/20 09:50:19. 0000044215 **************************************************
I. 05/20 09:50:19. 0000044215 
I. 05/20 09:50:19. 0000044215 0000075560 Stacktrace requested from oslib/hos_lwtask.cxx:637 on thread 75560 (TID 13) start stacktrace
I. 05/20 09:50:19. 0000044215 While handling one abort, encountered another abort from the same thread.
I. 05/20 09:50:19. 0000044215 Calling emergency shutdown.



SAP IQ 16.1 SP04 and above


SAP IQ 16.0


Thread stack ran past its allocated stack space , -iqtss , emergency shutdown , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Known Error

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