Manual "Compression User's Guide" for ASE 16.0 SP04 (Chapter 1: Data Compression Overview) in section 1.4 "Limits for Database Compression" has the following notes:
Compressed LOB columns do not support replication. Issue the following to indicate that a column is not to be replicated before you compress columns with LOB data that are part of a replicated database:
sp_setrepcol <table_name>, <lob_column_name>, 'do_not_replicate'
But in the manual "Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1":
5.18 Adaptive Server Data Compression
Replication Server supports the Adaptive Server data compression feature.
5.18.1 SAP Replication Server Support for Compressed Data
SAP Replication Server decompresses compressed SAP ASE data before sending it to the replicate database.
Support for replication of compressed data between an SAP ASE primary database and an SAP ASE or heterogeneous replicate database depends on whether the data is in-row or off-row:
- Replication Server supports replicating in-row non-LOB compressed data between databases.
- SAP Replication Server supports replicating compressed off-row LOB columns between an SAP ASE primary database and an SAP ASE or heterogeneous replicate database. SAP Replication Server decompresses LOB data before sending it to a heterogeneous replicate database. SAP Replication Server sends compressed LOB data directly to an SAP ASE replicate database only if the replicate has the same LOB schema, character set, endianness, version, and page size as the primary SAP ASE database. Otherwise, SAP Replication Server decompresses LOB data before sending it to the replicate SAP ASE database.
For the LOB data decompression feature, the primary and replicate SAP Replication Servers and the primary SAP ASE must be version 15.7.1 SP100 or later.
Only SAP ASE 15.7 ESD #1 and later and Replication Server 15.7.1 and later support compressed large object (LOB) column replication. All intermediate SAP Replication Servers in the route from SAP ASE must also be version 15.7.1 and later.
- SAP Adaptive Server 16.0
- SAP Replication Server 16.0
replication compressed LOB column compression image text 826770 CR 826770 CR 826770 CR# 826770 , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Problem
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