When using the command ALTER ... MODIFY OWNER you may see unexpected 13983 or 13985 errors:
Msg 13983, Level 11, State 1:
Server '...', Line 1:
Ownership change failed. User '...' does not own any objects in the current database, or no change is needed.
Msg 13985, Level 16, State 1:
Server '...', Line 1:
Ownership change of 1 out of 1 objects failed. Use sp_helpuser or sp_help to identify them, and retry the command.
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE)
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise Cluster Edition (ASE CE)
Sybase, ASEServer, SAPASE, dataserver, CR826776, CR#826776 , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , BC-SYB-ASE-CE , ASE Cluster Edition (Standalone) , Bug Filed
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