Looking at the sp_sysmon there are negative numbers in the data. For example:
------------------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ----------
ThreadPool : syb_default_pool
Engine 0 -1.5 % 3.1 % 4.6 % 116.9 %
Engine 1 101.5 % 1.5 % 10.8 % -1.5 %
Engine 2 18.5 % 0.0 % 9.2 % 72.3 %
Engine 3 53.8 % 0.0 % 13.8 % 32.3 %
Engine 4 -1.5 % -1.5 % 13.8 % 144.6 %
Engine 5 47.7 % 0.0 % 6.2 % 46.2 %
Engine 6 30.8 % -1.5 % 7.7 % 63.1 %
Engine 7 70.8 % 1.5 % 10.8 % 16.9 %
Engine 8 -1.5 % -1.5 % 13.8 % 104.6 %
Engine 9 -1.5 % 1.5 % 13.8 % 92.3 %
Engine 10 58.5 % 4.6 % 6.2 % 30.8 %
Engine 11 38.5 % 0.0 % 6.2 % 55.4 %
Engine 12 46.2 % -1.5 % 1.5 % 53.8 %
Engine 13 36.9 % -1.5 % 10.8 % 55.4 %
Engine 14 -1.5 % 0.0 % 10.8 % 96.9 %
Engine 15 56.9 % -1.5 % 6.2 % 38.5 %
Engine 16 80.0 % 1.5 % 13.8 % 4.6 %
Engine 17 9.2 % 0.0 % 10.8 % 80.0 %
------------------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ----------
Pool Summary Total 641.5 % 4.6 % 170.8 % 1103.1 %
Average 35.6 % 0.3 % 9.5 % 61.3 %
The above is just an example, there are negative numbers scattered throughout the sysmon report.
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0
KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , How To
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