- While setting up a FileAdapter remote source in IBP, you receive an error: "Cannot access remote source <Remote_Source_Name>".
- In the dpagent's framework.trc the following error appears:
- 2022-06-17 14:54:45,944 [INFO ] [365b1ab2-22aa-4e1b-b84b-e151c3b3e21659749] DPFramework | WorkerThread.processAdapterOpen - Open request for <Remote_Source>
- 2022-06-17 14:54:45,948 [ERROR] [365b1ab2-22aa-4e1b-b84b-e151c3b3e21659749] DPFramework | WorkerThread.processRequest - AccessToken hasn't been created yet. Please use the config tool to create the token Context: AccessToken hasn't been created yet. Please use the config tool to create the token
- SAP HANA Smart Data Integration
- SAP Integrated Business Planning
SAP HANA smart data integration all versions ; SAP Integrated Business Planning for Supply Chain all versions
KBA , HAN-DP-SDI , SAP HANA smart data integration (SDI) , SCM-IBP-INT-SDI , SDI-Based Integration , Problem
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