You are trying to change the Planned Quantity from a Production Order but system throws error message 'The requested material inspection does not exist' and reverts the Planned Quantity to its original quantity, not allowing you to change the Planned Quantity.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Production Control Workcenter.
- Go to Production Orders.
- Select All Production Orders then search for the relevant Production Order.
- Click Edit then View all to open the Production Order.
- In General tab, try to Change Planned quantity from the original quantity to a considerable larger amount (ex.: from 50,000 to 500,000 each) using the calculator icon then press Enter key on keyboard.
- Error message "The requested material inspection does not exist" throws and the Planned quantity changes back to its original quantity.
The error encountered is valid and a normal system behavior.
You can check that there is a Quality check related to it if we open the Production Order workcenter and Order Structure view.
Also, if you are trying to change the original quantity to a smaller or larger amount the Requested End date is no longer feasible for the new amount that you are now requesting, hence the error message appears.
As a solution, you can first extend the End Date and then change the planned quantity to the desirable amount.
planned quantity, production order, , KBA , AP-PE-ORD , Production Order , How To