- RELEASESAVEPOINT potentially holding locks on table Some_Table & gets stuck.
- That causes connection/transaction which acquired locks on Some_Table getting stuck
- In turn the table cannot be dropped till IQ is rebooted.
- This is happening on a regular basis.
- Here is relevant information showing the problem and the pattern
Connection information:
102718 SQL_DBC_116c880 spg_av 20XX-03-10 07:35:21.925 53 EXEC RELEASESAVEPOINT Mar 10 20XX 8:07:23.000000AM 0 NONE 0
1818806050 Mar 10 20XX 3:01:42.000000AM 0 25658918 26915 167583 TCPIP 54 X.X.X.X 1077 NULL NULL
Lock information:
SQL_DBC_116c880 102718 spg_av BASE spg_av Some_Table NULL Table Transaction Write NULL NULL
SQL_DBC_116c880 102718 spg_av BASE spg_av Some_Table NULL Schema Transaction Shared NULL NULL
Sequence of events on problem tables are:
7:35 - ReleaseSavepoint started as per sp_iqconnection.
7:45 - Connection which acquired locks on Some_Table experiences informational stack trace, but completes insert later
I. 03/10 07:45:04. 0000258918 pc: 0x7ffff6504aa1 _fini+0x38a290bd
I. 03/10 07:45:04. 0000258918 pc: 0x7ffff5ac3c4d _fini+0x37fe8269
I. 03/10 08:06:29. 0000258918 [20896]: Insert for 'Some_Table' completed in 1899 seconds. 26770 rows inserted
8:06 - Connection releases locks, but the process does not go away.
There is no record of commit for 0000258918
17:50 - 17:56 - DumpAllThreads triggered. It shows stuck releasesavepoint
grep -i s_bufman::ReleaseSavepoint PSTACK.*
PSTACK.28140.175014.1.log:#5 0x00007ffbbbcc5c69 in s_bufman::ReleaseSavepoint(unsigned long long, s_blockmaps_hashtb::txnIdType, unsigned int, unsigned long long) () from /IQSERVER/IQHKIRISP05/sapiqserver-16.0.110.sp11.25/IQ-16_0/lib64/
PSTACK.28140.175217.2.log:#5 0x00007ffbbbcc5c69 in s_bufman::ReleaseSavepoint(unsigned long long, s_blockmaps_hashtb::txnIdType, unsigned int, unsigned long long) () from /IQSERVER/IQHKIRISP05/sapiqserver-16.0.110.sp11.25/IQ-16_0/lib64/
PSTACK.28140.175420.3.log:#5 0x00007ffbbbcc5c69 in s_bufman::ReleaseSavepoint(unsigned long long, s_blockmaps_hashtb::txnIdType, unsigned int, unsigned long long) () from /IQSERVER/IQHKIRISP05/sapiqserver-16.0.110.sp11.25/IQ-16_0/lib64/
PSTACK.28140.175623.4.log:#5 0x00007ffbbbcc5c69 in s_bufman::ReleaseSavepoint(unsigned long long, s_blockmaps_hashtb::txnIdType, unsigned int, unsigned long long) () from /IQSERVER/IQHKIRISP05/sapiqserver-16.0.110.sp11.25/IQ-16_0/lib64/
- SAP IQ 16.0 SP11 PL25
- SAP IQ 16.1
SAP IQ 16.0 ; SAP IQ 16.1
s_bufman::ReleaseSavepoint , drop connection , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Known Error
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