You encountered the following error when you install SAP HANA Cockpit.
12:12:22.665 - INFO: Output line 92: Output line 41: [08] ERROR: Service broker initialization failed
12:12:22.665 - INFO: Output line 93: Output line 42: [08] ERROR:
12:12:22.665 - INFO: Output line 94: Output line 43: [08] Service broker initialization failed: REST request PATCH to url 'https://hostname:30032/hdi-broker/admin/database_registration/2a969043-2cfb-4122-9632-0826c760fd50' had response code 500 (Operation failed due to unexpected server error) with error message: 'description: Failed to update broker setup on database, because of: SAP DBTech JDBC: [331]: user name already exists: SYS_XS_HANA_BROKER_INTERNAL: line 1 col 13 (at pos 12)'.
12:12:22.665 - INFO: Output line 95: Output line 44: [08] at
12:12:22.665 - INFO: Output line 96: Output line 45: [08] at
12:12:22.665 - INFO: Output line 97: Output line 46: [08] at
12:12:22.665 - INFO: Output line 98: Output line 47: [08] at
12:12:22.665 - INFO: Output line 99: Output line 48: [08] at
12:12:22.665 - INFO: Output line 100: Output line 49: [08] at
12:12:22.665 - INFO: Output line 101: Output line 50: [08] Caused by: REST request PATCH to url 'https://hostname:30032/hdi-broker/admin/database_registration/2a969043-2cfb-4122-9632-0826c760fd50' had response code 500 (Operation failed due to unexpected server error) with error message: 'description: Failed to update broker setup on database, because of: SAP DBTech JDBC: [331]: user name already exists: SYS_XS_HANA_BROKER_INTERNAL: line 1 col 13 (at pos 12)'.
12:12:22.665 - INFO: Output line 102: Output line 51: [08] at
12:12:22.665 - INFO: Output line 103: Output line 52: [08] at
12:12:22.665 - INFO: Output line 104: Output line 53: [08] at
12:12:22.665 - INFO: Output line 105: Output line 54: [08] ... 5 more
12:12:22.665 - INFO: Output line 106: Output line 55: ----------------------
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
SAP HANA Cockpit 2.0
HANA Cockpit, Service broker initialization failed, REST request PATCH to url, response code 500, user name already exists, SYS_XS_HANA_BROKER_INTERNAL , KBA , HAN-CPT-CPT2-ADM , SAP HANA Cockpit 2 (Administration Core) , BC-XS-RT , XS Advanced Runtime / XS Controller , Problem
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