- sysservers has 1000 rows, maximum value of column "srvid" on sysservers table is 999.
- Received error 2601 when trying to add 1 more server:
sp_addserver isyb094, ASEnterprise, isyb094
Adding server 'isyb094', physical name 'isyb094'
Msg 2601, Level 16, State 6:
Server 'ASE16', Procedure 'sp_addserver', Line 630:
Attempt to insert duplicate key row in object 'sysservers' with unique index 'csysservers'
Command has been aborted.
(return status = 1)
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0
826790, CR#826790, CR 826790, sp_addserver, Msg 2601, Level 16, State 6:, error 2601, 2601, duplicate key row, duplicate row, sysservers, unique index 'csysservers', csysservers, srvid , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Known Error
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