To be able to further analyze your issue and environment, please run the attached shell script, downloadable as .sh or .zip.
What will the Script do?:
- There is no harmness to the system performance
- It only collect and not write/set/change any parameter at your OS or HANA
- It collects Information from the OS, Network, HANA related settings
- Running the script with parameter "-f" will produce a Full System Info Dump (FSID) of the last 14 days for the SYSTEMDB and all Tenants. So there is no need anymore to capture single FSIDs for each DB. If 14 days are not enough for the time of your issue you can add an amount of days behind the -f parameter, sample for 30 days -f 30)
This script is an expert tool designed by SAP support. You are allowed to use it, but SAP doesn't take over any responsibility for problems originating from the use of this tool.
fsid, network, os, swap , KBA , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , Product Enhancement
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