- Your HA/DR site is in high isolation.
- There are many log segments exist in folder mnt0000*/hdb0000*.0000*.
- Following command shows that lots of segments are in "Free" status.
for i in $(find -L /hana/log/${DIR_INSTANCE:9:3} -name 'hdb*' -type d) ; do echo $i ; hdblogdiag seglist $i | grep -oP 'Formatting|Preallocated|Writing|Closed|Truncated|BackedUp|RetainedFree|\bFree\b' | sort | uniq -c ; done
This KBA is focused on clean up disk size when log segment in status "Free". If most of them are in other status,e.g. RetainedFree, you may refer to following note for further analysis.
2083715 - Analyzing log volume full situations
- HANA 2.0
- High Isolation
SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0
log area, multidb, database_isolation, hdbcons, system replication, HA, DR , KBA , HAN-DB-HA , SAP HANA High Availability (System Replication, DR, etc.) , How To
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