- Job fails with ABAP dataflow. Same job works fine without ABAP dataflow.
- Job error message:
R3C-150412: |Data flow XXX|Reader ABAPDataFlow_XXX|Transform XXX RFC CallReceive error <Function /SAPDS/ABAP_RUN: RFC_ABAP_MESSAGE, Processing terminated)- Processing terminated - In SAP application system -> T-code: SM21 with error:
The transaction has been terminated. This may be caused by atermination message from the application (MESSAGE Axxx) or by anerror detected by the SAP System due to which it makes no sense toproceed with the transaction. The actual reason for the terminationis indicated by the T100 message and the parameters.
- SAP Data Services
- ABAP dataflow with execution option: Executed Preloaded
SAP Data Services 4.2
DS, SAP, ABAP dataflow, Executed preloaded, /SAPDS/ABAP_RUN, RFC_ABAP_MESSAGE, Processing terminated, Generate ABAP Code, Upload generated programs , KBA , EIM-DS-SAP , SAP Interfaces , Problem
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