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3219358 - SAP BTP SDK for Android - Error "Could not find configuration entry for client XXX" while posting data from offline store


It fails to post data from offline store to backend. In network trace, the request failed with status code 412 PRECONDITION_FAILED.

Error messages:

message: ": Could not find configuration entry for client 100"

message: "NetWeaver “Idempotent Service Framework” error: Check configuration. Diagnosis The request has provided the two HTTP header fields: RequestID\t– A client generated, globally unique for all time, identifier for the request RepeatabilityCreation\t – The date and time at which the request was first created.  If specified, the client directs that the request must be repeatable. That is, the client can make the request multiple times with the same RequestID and RepeatabilityCreation header values and get back an appropriate response without the server executing the request multiple times. To ensure that the request is executed exactly once on the server the response will be stored in the SAP NetWeaver “Idempotent WS Service” framework. This framework has triggered an error. Most likely this framework has not been configured yet. System Response Procedure Check the configuration of the idempotency framework. Procedure for System Administration"



SAP BTP SDK for Android 


SAP BTP SDK for Android all versions


Serious processing error requires fault handling , KBA , MOB-SDK-ADR-OFL , Cloud Platform SDK for Android Offline Component , Problem

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