Within BTP Cloud Foundry (CF) subaccount, XSUAA is configured to use external Identity Provider other than SAP ID Service, such as Identity Authentication Service (IAS) or AzureAD...etc. Notice shadow user not get deleted automatically when delete user from Identity Provider side. However due to data privacy, need to delete such inactive user from CF subaccount.
- SAP BTP Cloud Foundry (CF)
- SAP Identity Authentication Service (IAS)
- SAP Identity Provisioning Service (IPS)
user deletion, user update, attribute, change, left, leave, company, name, mail, id, security, kept, period, inactivity, automatically , KBA , BC-CP-CF-SEC-IAM , UAA, Authentication, Authorization, Trust Mgmnt , BC-IAM-IDS , Identity Authentication Service , BC-IAM-IPS , Identity Provisioning Service (IPS) , Problem
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