Setupengine logs show the following errors:
Error: Couldn't load library 'TomcatConfig.dll'. Error code: 126
Error: Unable to find function 'StopBOBJTomcat' in library 'TomcatConfig.dll'.
Error: Unable to find function 'BackupTomcatServerXml' in library 'TomcatConfig.dll'.
Error: Unable to find function 'UpdateDeprecatedjavaoptions' in library 'TomcatConfig.dll'.
Error: Unable to find function 'UpdateTomcatMaxPermSize' in library 'TomcatConfig.dll'.
Error: Unable to find function 'SetGarbageCollectionValues' in library 'TomcatConfig.dll'.
Error: Unable to find function 'RestoreTomcatServerXml' in library 'TomcatConfig.dll'.
Error: Unable to find function 'ConfigureOutOfBoxTomcat' in library 'TomcatConfig.dll'.
Error: Unable to find function 'StartBOBJTomcat' in library 'TomcatConfig.dll'.
Error: Couldn't load library 'Uncategorized.dll'. Error code: 126
Error: Unable to find function 'BOBJOutOfBoxDeployment' in library 'Uncategorized.dll'.
Error: Unable to find function 'DeleteBOBJNTService' in library 'Uncategorized.dll'.
Error: Couldn't load library 'InstallFramework.dll'. Error code: 126
Error: Unable to find function 'RunCommand' in library 'InstallFramework.dll'.
Error: Unable to find function 'RemoveUserConfigRegistryKey' in library 'InstallFramework.dll'.
Error: Unable to find function 'RemoveShortcut' in library 'InstallFramework.dll'.
Error: Unable to find function 'DeleteFile' in library 'InstallFramework.dll'.
Error: Unable to find function 'InstallDUBundle' in library 'InstallFramework.dll'.
Error: Unable to find function 'UnInstallDUBundle' in library 'InstallFramework.dll'.
Error: Unable to find function 'RemoveUserConfigFile' in library 'InstallFramework.dll'.
Error: Unable to find function 'BOBJTextReplace' in library 'InstallFramework.dll'.
Error: Couldn't load library 'tomcatmigration'. Error code: 126
Error: Unable to find function 'ConfigTomcatServerXML' in library 'tomcatmigration'.
Error: Unable to find function 'RestoreTomcat6Config' in library 'tomcatmigration'.
Error: Unable to find function 'BackupTomcat6Config' in library 'tomcatmigration'.
Error: Couldn't load library 'SldServerConfig.dll'. Error code: 126
Error: Unable to find function 'writeCMSProperties' in library 'SldServerConfig.dll'.
Error: Unable to find function 'runScheduler' in library 'SldServerConfig.dll'.
Error: unmarshalSizet: curPos past end of string
Error: Serialization error. Expecting at least 1 arg(s). Got 0.
Error: Poco Exception: Software caused connection abort
Action execution process terminated with non-zero exit code: 1.
- SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.x (4.0 / 4.1 / 4.2)
- Windows
BI 4.1 4.2 4.3 Unable to find function StartBOBJTomcat StopBOBJTomcat BackupTomcatServerXml UpdateDeprecatedjavaoptions UpdateTomcatMaxPermSize SetGarbageCollectionValues RestoreTomcatServerXml ConfigureOutOfBoxTomcat BOBJOutOfBoxDeployment DeleteBOBJNTService RunCommand RemoveUserConfigRegistryKey RemoveShortcut DeleteFile InstallDUBundle BOBJTextReplace ConfigTomcatServerXML RestoreTomcat6Config BackupTomcat6Config writeCMSProperties runScheduler failed with error to install update upgrade , KBA , BI-BIP-INS , Installation, Updates, Upgrade, Patching , Problem
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