SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3220710 - Combination of Product XXX and Planning Area YYY Not Valid


You access standard web service - ProductAvailabilityDeterminationIn and would like to see in result quantity from stock overview but facing an error message as below,
"Combination of product XXX and planning area YYY not valid".


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

Request XML:

<n0:ProductAvailabilityDeterminationQuery_sync xmlns:n0="">


In the request XML, ConsiderScopeOfCheckIndicator is 'true' meaning all the products in the request XML should have an availability scope maintained.

If not, the error "Availability confirmation mode for product <product> not maintained " will be raised.

The mentioned issue would only occur when any of the Product/Supply Planning Area combination in the request XML do not have an availability scope maintained when scope of check tag in the request XML is true.


In order to add availability scope, steps are as follows;

  1. Go to Product Data Work Center.
  2. Navigate to Materials View.
  3. Search for the Product.
  4. Choose Edit.
  5. Go to Availability Confirmation Tab.

You will find that the "Availability Check Scope" is blank, this needs to be filled.

Follow steps 1 through 3, in order to maintain availability confirmation combination.

Add Product XXX and maintain the required planning area YYY mentioned in the error message "Combination of product XXX and planning area YYY not valid".


ProductAvailabilityDeterminationIn; Availability Confirmation; Combination; Availability Check Scope, Planning Area. , KBA , AP-SDM-SPR , Supply Planning Requirement , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions