SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3220728 - Real Time Replication Status does not Change to Inactive


If there is no Remote Table using Real Time Replication, the correct status to be displayed in the connection properties should be "Inactive". 

However, the connection keeps displaying the "Active" status for Real Time Replication.


  • SAP Datasphere

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Disable the Real-time Replication for all remote tables related to a single connection in a single space.
  2. Go to Connections>"Affected_Space_ID".
  3. The related connection still displays "Active" for Real-Time Replication.


One or more Remote Tables still have a Real-Time Replication subscription running, even if it is not displayed in the Data Integration Monitor.


Firstly, check if there is any remote table using Real-time replication for the affected space and connection. If there is one or more, disable the Real-Time Replication for all of them and check if the status will be updated at the space connections settings.

If the Real Time replication status keeps being displayed as "Active", you can perform the steps below to identify which Remote Tables are still using the RTR subscription:

In SAP Datasphere, access the SAP HANA Cockpit (If there is no user available check the SAP Help Portal Documentation: Create a Database Analysis User to Debug Database Issues).

  1. Hit the "Open SQL Console" option at the top left corner.
  2. Insert the SQL query below and adjust it with the SPACE_ID and the Connection Technical name:
    • Select * from m_remote_subscriptions where SCHEMA_NAME = '<Space_ID>' AND REMOTE_SOURCE_NAME = '<Connection_Technical_Name>'

The remote table which is consuming the subscription name will be displayed in the "SUBSCRIPTION_NAME" column.

  1. Once you identified it, go back to the SAP Datasphere and open the remote table in Data Integration Monitor and select the "Remove Replicated Data" option.
  2. Once the data get removed, the Real-Time Replication subscription should be deleted and the status updated to "Inactive".

See Also

SAP Help Portal Documentations:


Real-Time Replication. Remote Table, Active, Inactive, Connection, Update, Change, Subscription, Spaces , KBA , DS-DI-RT , Remote Tables , DS-DI-CON , Connections , Problem


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