SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3221176 - Account Assignment Details not Appearing in Supplier Invoice( Goods receipt doesn't exist)


Exception in the supplier invoice "account assignment data missing" for items. where supplier invoice is created  from customer invoice and no Purchase order exist.


Error appears when you try to post the supplier invoice from SAP-ERP into SAP Business ByDesign system via IDOC integration, while accompanying purchase order does not exist in the SAP Business ByDesign system.


Exception in the supplier invoice "account assignment data missing" for items.where supplier invoice is created  from customer invoice and  Purchase order exist.


SAP Business ByDesign.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Supplier Invoicing work center.
  2. Go to the Invoices and Credit Memos view.
  3. Filter for All Documents.
  4. Search for ABC and open it (ABC represents the Invoice ID).
  5. Navigate to the Exceptions tab.
  6. Check the messages for all items:

Account assignment data missing for item X.Y; see Cost Distribution ; Account assignment data missing for item X.Y; see Cost Distribution


Currently for supplier invoice the base document is Purchase Order so account information flows from purchase order to Invoice.

Since there is no Purchase order existing, the accounting information cannot be fetched.


 If you enable delayed verification mode then due to current limitation the account information does not flow from purchase order to Invoice when no goods receipt exist.


1.As per current system behaviour only when Purchase order exists the account assignment details can be fetched on to supplier invoice.

In this case, the intercompany supplier invoice was created with reference to a customer invoice and there is no reference to a purchase order. Hence it is necessary to manually select the Account Assignment Type as ACC - General Ledger Account only.

After setting the G/L account, system sets the invoice status to Ready for Posting.

2. The Account Assignment Type cannot be configured for a specific Product ID, so you can post this idea in our Influence Page -

3. Also post/search this in SCM forum so that  you may get any solutions if any other customers are following.

For consulting questions use SAP community  Network (SCN) at

4. If you want account details to be populated under cost distribution during invoice creation, then uncheck the Delayed Verification checkbox in the scoping. Steps to be followed to uncheck this functionality is mentioned below;

  1. Go to Business Configuration work center.
  2. Go to the Implementation Projects view.
  3. Select Edit Project Scope button.
  4. Navigate to Questions and select the scoping element Purchasing.
  5. Select Supplier Invoicing and Supplier invoice and credit memos.
  6. Select the question; Do you want to use delayed verification as supplier invoice entry capability? Set as No
  7. Finish the scoping.

5.Also, if you still think that based on Purchase orders appearing in reference item column (when you use the delayed verification under Cost

distribution sub tab in Invoice) the Account assignment details has to appear, Kindly put this in ideas forum mentioning the business use case so that based on the votes received our developers can consider for developing it in future releases.

Submit an idea via the SAP Business ByDesign Ideas Forum:

See Also

3071353 - G/L account missing in the account assignment tab of Supplier invoice or Goods and service receipt

2536409 - Account Assignment Details not Appearing in Supplier Invoice 


Account; Supplier Invoice; Exception; Data Missing;GL account; Account assignment missing;cost distribution details missing; , KBA , SRD-SRM-SI , Supplier Invoicing , How To


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