In PFCG, a Web Dynpro service is added to the role menu.
The service is visible in the menu after it has been added.
However, after saving the role and entering the role again, the service is not present in the menu.
SAP Netweaver, releases of SAP Note 3156682
Webdynpro Menü Eintrag lässt sich nicht abspeichern, webdynpro service not saved, webdynpro role menu, PFCG Rolle, WDA Applikation, Rollenmenü, Web Dynpro Application, WDYA, WDYA missing, WDYA disappear, Web Dynpro Application disappear, disappearing WDYA, PFCG issue, PFCG Menu issue, disappear, re-open, Rolle, role, WDA , KBA , BC-SEC-AUT-PFC , ABAP Authorization and Role Administration , Problem
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